Helping the rest of the world, comprehend what southerners are saying.

Classic Translations, Pronunciation, Usage, and Cool Gear.

This whole site, idea, merchandising; was born from a comedy set list.

I took Standup 101 Comedy Classes at Goodnights Comedy Club in Raleigh, NC. (The Big City)

I took the stage as a Graduate (3.20.24) – Sold Out – 861 Room Goodnights

I was working on our farm the next day, and was thinking about the previous evening. Particularly, how the “Hick Lessons” portion of my set was received so well. They loved it… but I wanted to play a vital role in the perpetuation of slang to a global audience.

Where could everyone look, to find a singular repository of rural knowledge, language diversification, art, and just clean fun.

It is my sincere hope, that this space serves that purpose to the fullest.

Thank you for stopping by!

Y'all (You-All)
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Southern Conservation at its Finest and Best”

Dan Weldon

CEO, Hicktionary

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